I am available for presenting for educational purposes for graduate students, professionals, schools, etc. and am flexible on pricing. Some previous presenting opportunities I’ve had include:
Newton Wellesley Hospital, 2014, Motivational Interviewing In the Treatment of Eating Disorders, training presentation for Outpatient Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic
Discussant: William James College, 2018, Body Dissatisfaction Among College Women: The Role of Peer Influences, Doctoral Project by Melissa Alois
Discussant: William James College, 2020, The Recognition and Evaluation of Eating Disorders in Adolescents from Different Ethnic Groups: A
Quantitative Study, Doctoral Project by Daniella Perez
Brookline Community Mental Health Center, 2020, Multidisciplinary and Multimodal Treatment of Eating Disorder, continuing education community lecture series
Brookline Community Mental Health Center, 2022, Multidisciplinary and Multimodal Treatment of Eating Disorder, continuing education community lecture series
Self Love Therapy LLC, 2024, Multidisciplinary and Multimodal Treatment of Eating Disorder, continuing education presentation